Who i am


Put simply, I am a wife and mother of 2 little ones whose biggest passion has always been sports and fitness (yes really!).

I’ve had many experiences in my own life which mean I know the importance of trying fit health and fitness into your life in a realistic, manageable and enjoyable way. For instance, I’ve been a busy corporate professional in a high stress job (family solicitor) working long hours, an extremely sleep-deprived working Mum of 2 under 2 and have also been controlled by harmful behaviours on a mission to be “skinny”.

Rather than trying to find the quickest fix, I feel strongly that we should be focusing on making sustainable lifestyle choices based on your specific situation given we all live very different lives so one size does not fit all. To help with this I work with my clients to give them the tools to be able to continue living the life they want even after we stop working together.

I focus on ALL benefits of exercise and not just the aesthetics! I’m a big mental health advocate and using exercise as a way to help get through life because if we don’t look after our minds then our bodies will suffer too.

For that reason, I’m the wrong PT for you if you want someone to shout or shame you if you don’t train one weekend or have a takeaway! But I will be honest and realistic with you about reaching your goals based on your situation and find a way that works specifically for you.

Our relationship is a priority to me and your ability to be able to trust me so I have given a bit more information about me below but please let me know if you have any other questions.

To find out more about what I do then please head to my Personal Training and Bump 2 Baby pages.

My mission

I was always confident when it came to sports, but that didn’t stop me from finding the “fitness world” intimidating but also very unrealistic and in fact harming.

Unfortunately my obsession with weight loss spiralled into being consumed with an eating disorder for the majority of my teenage and early adult years. It unsurprisingly led to both my physical and mental health suffering alongside severe anxiety, loss of confidence, body dysmorphia, over-training and regularly burning out. I wasted a ridiculous amount of money, time, energy, emotions and injuries when I absolutely did not need to, but I knew no better at the time.

It fuelled my passion for wanting to be a PT to help others understand that you can achieve your goals in a realistic way without taking extreme actions. You don’t need fad diets, hours of cardio, eating expensive foods you hate, never going out or exercising every day.

But I also wanted to be able to offer a safe, welcoming and relaxed space where you can completely be yourself without fear of anyone judging.

If you head to my socials (links at the bottom of the page), you will notice that I’m very honest and open, showing both the highs and lows of life, training, motherhood etc. I do this because life does and will get in the way sometimes but I feel it’s important to show how to overcome those barriers and keep moving forward, rather than pretending it just never happens!

I’m a family woman, with a social life, not in the gym every single day and only eating white rice & chicken. I’m just a ordinary Mum who loves fitness and food, and has found a way to incorporate a healthy lifestyle and exercise into my busy life around working, running a business, motherhood and socialising but still enjoying life at the same time. I promise it can be done!

But I have been there, including:

  • Having a very stressful corporate job with long hours & a long commute whilst exhausting myself trying to fit my fitness goals around it and suffering burn out;

  • Pregnancy, keeping active and returning to exercise after giving birth, whilst also understanding the demands of having a little one/s and the sheer exhaustion that comes with it;

  • Losing my way at points and prioritising nights out and fast food, followed by spending the weekend hungover and piling on weight as a result;

  • Suffering grief and trauma but using exercise as my way to cope;

  • Being an anxious girl entering the weights section of the gym feeling like the world was judging me, making me scared to go back;

  • Thinking I knew it all having watched enough YouTube videos, but not understanding why I was always getting injured and not achieving what I wanted to;

  • Being controlled by unhealthy and disordered habits and obsessions over nutrition and exercise resulting in physical & mental damage but coming back from that.

Basically, I know what it is like to have been in many situations but to overcome barriers and difficult situations using exercise and healthy living.

how i got here

Sport became a passion of mine at a very young age, competing in many sports throughout my childhood, teenage and early adult years.

Throughout secondary school I played pretty much every sport going which I did every morning, lunchtime, after-school, evening and weekends. Name a sport, I did it (or at least tried it!). Jujitsu (which I did for over 20 years), running and hockey were my “main” sports which I started as a child and continued until adulthood.

Despite sport always being my biggest passion and best subject, for some reason I found myself on the path to a career as a family solicitor (don’t ask!).

As I got into my legal career, I realised there was a correlation in a reduction in exercise and an increase in stress and anxiety so I had to find a balance. It meant going to the gym at the crack of dawn, where my love of strength training really took off.

Cut an even longer story short, I then got married and pregnant with my daughter where I had to find a new way of making fitness work around pregnancy and baby life. It meant I could still feel like “Me”.

I always knew my passion for helping others was best placed in the fitness industry so I decided to take the leap and never looked back at the legal world, which wasn’t a shock to anyone that knew me.

Given how important exercise was during my pregnancy and postpartum period, I also completed my qualification in pre and post-natal fitness to assist others in that position, before going on to have my son. He had a rough start to life which also made balancing 2 under 2 even more challenging but once again exercise helped me through.

As you can see, I haven’t just found fitness and decided to become a personal trainer overnight. It has always been my aspiration, biggest passion and something I have always been dedicated to. I have spent years learning (because I love it!) and improving my knowledge which I will always continue to do.

10 fun facts about me

  1. I got my motorbike licence and first bike (Honda CBR) at 21

  2. I used to be a family solicitor, having studied Law at Uni and getting a distinction at law school

  3. I did jujitsu for around 20 years (taking some breaks for uni etc) having started when I was 6 and did a fire-walk when I was 12

  4. I play acoustic guitar, initially learning on the electric then bass guitar

  5. I love to Clay Pigeon Shoot, my first shoot being when I was 6

  6. I was a net ball-girl for The Queens Club Tennis Championship for 2 years running, including the men’s final

  7. I don’t have a sweet tooth at all so I haven’t had a birthday cake in decades, had cheese for my wedding cake but have to limit my salt and mayo intake instead! It means I love to cook but hate to, and can’t, bake

  8. I'm completely obsessed with Christmas, love winter and the sound of rain

  9. I had a festival wedding and may have accidentally broke my husband’s nose falling off the bucking bronco, oops!

  10. I love to paint when I have time (which is now a rarity).

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.
— Anthony (Tony) Robbins