Calling all local Mums!

Whether your children are small, big or still in your tummy, this might be for you…

I know how wonderful but also challenging motherhood can be. Leaving the house can seem like a huge and scary task sometimes.

More importantly, Covid took the opportunity away for Mums to get out and meet others which I know has made many feel even more isolated so I wanted to do something to help that.

I also wanted to do something completely free so that the opportunity to help get mums outside, meet others and exercise was available to all.

So, the Surrey Mums Meet - Walk & Talks were born!

I run walks and other events around the Reigate and Redhill areas (e.g. Reigate hill, Earlswood Lakes, Reigate Heath) every other week for anyone to come along and join, whether your children are with your or not, whether they are old, young or still in your tummy or whether you actually live in Surrey or not.

The group is super supportive and we will all stop if you need to feed or settle your baby so no one has to feel anxious. As a Mum who had 2 under 2, please never worry about how your children will be as I know that unnerving feeling all too well and I will try to help as much as possible, as will the other ladies. I also try to include coffee stops where possible so there is a place for anyone to stay and chat afterwards if they want to, which we usually do!

It’s been a great space for Mums to meet others and actually get the opportunity to chat to others the entire time unlike in classes, plus there’s no need to commit to a term in advance, you can simply turn up or not on the day with no pressure. We all come away feeling so much better having had a reason to get out and exercised even after very long nights.

I try to run polls regarding the dates to make it more inclusive to those with commitments or work but it’s impossible to find a way to suit everyone so I will also be running weekend walks shortly where partners or friends can also join if you have any worries about coming alone.

All the details about the walks are on the Facebook group “ Surrey Mums Meet” if you join there or please feel free to send me a message to find out more.