what i do as a personal trainer

I offer a very supportive and welcoming private environment where you can come and be yourself with no fear of judgement or intimidation.

I will guide, support and give you the knowledge and tools to make health and fitness part of your lifestyle moving forwards so you don’t always need to rely on me.

We will discuss what your goals may be along with what may be holding you back, whether you know this already or not. Together we will work out a realistic way to fit everything into your life dependent on your specific situation.

Whether you want to try something new, improve your form in the gym, build muscle or strength, improve your fitness levels, work towards aesthetic goals, prepare for an event or learn how to adapt exercise during pregnancy and beyond then I can help.

I do this all in a fun and positive way, whilst also making it challenging for you. It won’t be easy, otherwise that would be of no benefit to you but I promise there will be no screaming, no shaming, no use of words that mean absolutely nothing to you (without explaining them).

I train both men and women of various ages. You don’t need to have ever stepped foot in a gym, or maybe you are a frequent gym goer; you have goals, or maybe you don’t know what your goals should be; or maybe you just want to get moving and feel better. Either way, it doesn’t matter as I will specifically tailor your programme depending on your fitness levels, exercise history and even your likes and dislikes.

If you are pregnant or have recently had a baby then I can also help you too, please just head to my Bump 2 Baby page for more information.

What you pay for

I don’t just give you the hour of my time you pay for. That is where my support begins not ends, so this is what is included in the cost:

  • A free consultation prior to your first session (Zoom or telephone) to get to know each other and allow me to get all the information I need to tailor your programme

  • A bespoke detailed workout programme for you (covering the sessions you book) that is specifically tailored to your goals, your fitness and exercise levels as well as your likes and dislikes;

  • Nutritional advice (please note personal trainers are not qualified to give out diet plans or specific nutrition advice) and general lifestyle guidance;

  • At the start of our work together we will also look at other fundamental physical tools to help you on your journey dependent on your situation such as, but not limited to:

    • Breath work

    • Posture check and adjustments

    • Core engagement

    • Mobility and stretches e.g. If you are sat at a desk all day

    • Fundamental movements

  • Assisting you in goal-setting if you need it;

  • All 1-2-1 sessions will be held at my private gym studio in Redhill (unless preferred elsewhere) with various equipment to use meaning it isn’t weather or light dependent, please see “where I work from” for more details;

  • Your programme will be monitored and regularly updated to ensure you are constantly progressing;

  • I will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to be able to continue working on your goals outside of our sessions to get the most out of it;

  • Constant support outside of our sessions via message or email to answer questions you may have in relation to your programme and will help to keep you accountable throughout; 

  • I will always take your views into consideration and will never make you do anything you are not comfortable doing.

So if you are looking for a PT, have never even considered it before or if you are having any of the same thoughts I did then take it from someone who learnt the long, costly and hard way – your future self will thank you. 

alternative options

  1. small Group training

    Many people find working out with others a good way to increase their motivation or find it more enjoyable. If you feel this is you, then I can train you and your friends together at the same time. it does not matter if you are of different abilities as I will adapt the exercises where necessary.

    I can work with you and one other either in the studio or a public space, however if you want to work out with more friends then I can come to you or undertake this on Zoom. Please get in touch to find out more.

  2. Online training sessions

    I appreciate that finding time for training can be difficult so I can take my sessions online (Zoom) if this is more preferable for you. This can include early mornings, lunchtimes , evenings or weekends to fit around your schedule. Online sessions will however need to be adapted taking into consideration what equipment you have available at home.

Please note that prior to all training sessions, including individual, group and online sessions, a health questionnaire and declaration must have been completed along with agreed terms and conditions which we will then discuss further in a consultation.

Exercise is king.
Nutrition is queen.
Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.
— Jack Lalanne